Mick Gibson

Me and My…

This series is simply a portrait of a person with an item that is special to them. -Daryl Gordon   

me and my portrait project
Mick Gibson with his Drums

Mick Gibson and his Drums

Me and My Drums

I am lucky to have grown up in a home filled with music.
Mum and dad were always entertaining with friends playing cool music and dancing.
Dad had a kick arse sound system and mum was always bringing home ace records and EPs.

It was the magic year of 1982, Mum bought the album “1982 With A Bullet” our friend over the road who work at Brashs Music gave my brother Dave and I, three magic records “Kiss Dynasty”, “Devo Volume 2” and “The Best Of Blonde”.

With rhythms and beats surrounding us and my brother learning to play the guitar, and myself always banging away on the pots and pans I think it was inevitable that playing the drums would play a big part in my life.

Jumping forward to 1989 my best friend Sam McOrist started playing bass with Scotty McOrist on guitar, here was my cue to get my first drum kit.

We were then introduced to Ryan Tandy and we all became best mates and decided to start the Filthy Habits band.
Ten years of countless gigs, loads of fun and a couple of cd’s the dancing bear needed to rest for the winter.

About 17 years later, Spring had arrived in the form of a unique event in Balnarring called Snazz in the Nazz run by Pugs Lincoln, Pete Smedly and Harry and Mel Poll.

We were asked to reform Filthy Habits and to be part of the event, there were no second thoughts given.
So after a few rusty jams, we slipped back into our groove, we walked out of the cave and were ready to become 20 years old again, to me, it was a pretty euphoric moment in my life.

So from this magic day having a blast, playing our tunes to many old and new faces we decided to start gigging anew. After playing at the Tote and the Grand Mornington a new kind a thing called COVOID derailed our train.

The Habits train is nearly ready to start rolling again with new recordings coming up.

Through all of this I got to know my neighbour Harry Poll really well and we started jamming with Iain McNicol, Needing a bass player my brother Dave Gibson slotted in and we have all become great mates.

So after 48 to 50 years my brother Dave and I are finally playing together in a punk rock band and loving it, we are in the middle of recording a 4 track EP.
So one day you just might hear.

Me and my drums.

Mick Gibson


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