Last weeks Daryl Gordon Photography Top Tip was all about your subject making eye contact with the camera, of course there is always an exception to the rule.
When you are photographing people, whether it’s parents and children or couples you should be ready for, or ask the couple to look at each other, when I’m photographing families I’ll always be on the look out for that moment when my subjects make contact with each other or if it’s an individual looks away into the distance or drops their head and eyes, these are once again very strong compositional elements for you as a photographer to watch out for and to use. It’s also a great way to get couples to loosen up during a shoot I’ll often get couples to look into each others eyes this often leads to the ice being broken and laughter ensuring which will of course lead to nice relaxed natural shots.
Get out there and get shooting
Daryl Gordon Photography “capturing your family story”