We reckon the old adage remains true: a picture is worth a thousand words. Find out more
The title of this project “At Home with” sums up this ongoing project, I like to document people it’s my “Why” it’s the basis of my photography all things lead from this. The people in this project have captured my interest in one way or another, so much so that I have felt compelled to to capture at home to document them in their particular time line for us to all look back upon in the future.
Daryl Gordon
Michael thank you for your time and being part of this project.
Q:If you care to share how old are you?
A: Born 1948 I shall 70 in 2018…very fortunate to be here.
Q: When did you first feel or did you have a choice about wanting to become an artist?
A: TV came to Australia when I was 8. Prior to that we listened to the Radio. Radio serials were our media entertainment. My brothers and I would go to our shared room after listening to these serials stand on our respective beds and draw our action heroes directly on to our walls. I was always amazed how our drawing were so different when we had just listened to he same thing. I just loved the freedom of drawing whatever you felt like without any one interfering.
Q: Why do you make art?
A: Why do I breathe??
Q: how would you describe your art?
A: Eclectic Ha. I have been involved in many Galleries both here and overseas in my career.Its a well known fact that to be a successful artist that you need to have a recognisable style. The Gallery needs to market that style. I am afraid I am not good at sticking to the one style. I just love the whole exploration journey.
Q Rules to make art by?
A: Some say there’re no rules…however I believe there are certain building blocks and foundations that will help you, whatever your style.
Q Any words of wisdom for other aspiring artist?
A: Just do it.